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PolyU Library

Research Visibility

This guide provides you the ways in raising your research visibility and information about the measurement of your research impact.

What is Citation Search Service?

The Library offers a citation validation service for PolyU faculty members who, in their capacity as PolyU Staff, need to have the citation numbers of their publications verified for purposes such as supporting applications for fellowship, grants or awards.

The Library reviews and accepts requests for this service to ensure its responsible and appropriate use. In the event that a request cannot be accepted, your corresponding Faculty Librarian will advise alternative options for obtaining citation information on your own.

How does the Service Work?

Faculty Librarians will use Web of Science and/or Scopus to search for number of times cited and compile a standard citation report, which contains:

  • A full or selected list of author's publications in Web of Science and/or Scopus
  • A count of the number of times author's work is cited (if any) in Web of Science and/or Scopus
  • A count of the number of times author's work is cited (if any) without self-citations in Web of Science and/or Scopus
  • A cover letter that endorses the citation search results

The report's cover letter will clearly state the fellowship, grant or award name, and the publication list with citation counts will include a watermark displaying the same information.


This service is ONLY available to PolyU faculty members who need to support applications for fellowships, grants or awards in their capacity as PolyU Staff. We will provide one citation report per application for the relevant fellowships, grants or awards.

This service is NOT for personal pursuits (e.g. Job applications & PhD applications etc.). The Library has the discretion to accept or reject requests for Citation Search Service.

Request Process

A standard citation report takes at least 8 working days to compile and verify for accuracy and relevance to your needs. To place a request, please submit the following to your Faculty Librarian:

  • A completed request form (Download and fill out the MS Word file below)
  • An up-to-date list of your publications (does not exceed 50 publications)

Upon receiving your request along with the above documents, your Faculty Librarian will contact you to confirm the details of your request and discuss the timeline for completing the report. 

For any additional requirements beyond the standard citation report, please discuss with your Faculty Librarian as early as possible. We will do our best to accommodate your requests, but please understand that the additional requirements may impact the completion time of your report.

Important Notes

1. In some cases, we may have to decline requests that cannot be accommodated within the given timeframe or expected requirements cannot be met. 

2. Revisions to citation counts or author's publication lists will be considered as a new request which requires an additional 8 working days when: 

  • Format of report and/or publication list has been confirmed for report compilation, or 
  • Citation Report has been issued